NEET OMR Sheet Released
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NEET OMR Sheet Released

The NEET-UG 2020 Exam was successfully conducted on 13th Sep 2020 in which approx. 15 lakh candidate registered. Recently NEET OMR Sheet Released by National Testing Agency (NTA) and provide the facility to challenge the NEET OMR sheets 2020.

NTA has uploaded the scanned images of OMR answer sheets and recorded responses of candidates on their official website. If the candidate is not satisfied with the answer he/she can challenge the questions.

This facility is available from 05-10-2020 (06:00 PM) to 07-10-2020 (06:00 PM) by using candidate login on website The candidate is required to pay online fees of Rs. 1000/- (one thousand) for each question challenge. The payment is made through only Debit/Credit card/ Net banking 08:00 PM of 07-10-2020. The processing fee will be refunded if the challenge of candidates is found correct. No challenge will be entertained without the receipt of the processing fee.

Challenges received by email or post are not accepted. Therefore, kindly do not email or post your responses or clarification. Please follow the procedure for raising the challenges.

Process for challenge OMR Answer Sheet and recorded Responses.

Step 1- Visit the Official website –

Step 2- Login with your application number and password and press on the Submit button.

Step 3- Select the option ‘OMR Challenge’ in the left pane.

Step 4- Click on the ‘ORM Challenge’ Link.

Step 5- You will see 180 questions for Chemistry/Physics/Biology (Botany & Zoology).

Step 6- Select the ‘question’ for which candidate wants to challenge, candidates will see three options under the column 'Candidate's Claim'.

Step 7- After following the procedure, click on the 'Final Submit' option.

Step 8- Then pay the processing fee through Debit/Credit card/Net Banking. The processing fee is Rs.1000/- for each question challenged.

Step 9- After successful payment download or print the OMR challenge receipt.

Step 10- In case your challenge is found correct, then the processing fee will be refunded in the same account.